Over the years we have done many invitations for weddings in Bali. One of them is this frangipani design in pink, white and brown. Using a photo provided by the bride, we illustrated a cascade of franjipani on their invitation card.

To achieve a marvellous end-effect the couple requested for matching stationery done in varying shades of pink and brown. There was a customized envelope, welcome letter, placecards, menu cards, programme booklet, table number tentcards, wine & cocktail menu cards, favour tags, thank you cards and posters.

We also custom-made a guestbook in pink and white for them.

The couple also had a smaller, more intimate celebration in Sydney for family and friends. For that we adapted their Bali invites into soft tones of turquoise and grey. We also assisted in the addressing of the envelopes and posting of the invitations as the couple were overseas.

If you envision a perfectly matched wedding for yourself, do give us a call to see how we can assist you in fulfilling your dream.